Trying something new

Last night, I was trying to explain to my husband how busy I am. February, I said, is going crazy busy. But March will be my head’s falling off busy, so I guess I should enjoy the relative lull.

I’m writing two novels right now, which is unusual for me; I usually limit myself to one WIP at a time. But the lovely Venona Keyes and I are co-writing a contemporary, and I’m also writing a very dark slave novel on my own. Both are past the halfway point–hooray! And meanwhile, Love Can’t Conquer is in edits (due out in June or July), I have some translations and audiobooks due out shortly, and several other things are in the works.

So of course I gave myself a new project. I have three fantasy novellas that I wrote for the Goodreads M/M Romance group’s annual event. You can download all of them for free (click on Free reads for the links), or you can buy The Sacrifice anthology (in print or Kindle) and get all three, plus several shorts–and my royalties all go to Doctors Without Borders.

Here’s the new part. I’m putting each of the three novellas up individually on Amazon. You can buy them for 99 cents each, if you like, and I’ll donate my royalties to DWB. But the real reason I’m doing it is so I can list them with ACX and try to get audiobooks produced of each of them. I’ll keep you updated on the progress of this project. In the meantime, you can see Treasure here. The other two will go up soon.

Oh, one more thing! I’m author of the month over at My Fiction Nook! I have weekly posts with prizes and other goodies. Come check it out!

So that’s my life right now. How’s yours?

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