Blog update

I apologize for the recent silence–travel has been keeping me busy. I spent over a week in Portugal, which is beautiful, relaxed, and friendly. And now I’m in my beloved Zagreb, but only for a few more days.

023 155 064 See all that gorgeousness? That’s Porto. And Lisbon is hardly ugly either.

078 080 102

And then there’s Croatia.

020 023 060

So yeah, I’m hardly suffering despite several epic travel SNAFUS.

And while I’ve been gallivanting, you’ve been enjoying Rattlesnake, which makes me extremely happy. Here’s what’s coming up in the next few months:

  • Good Bones on audio
  • Rattlesnake will be on audio too
  • And so will A Festivus Miracle
  • The 4th Gothika anthology will come out in October. Spirit has novellas by Jamie Fessenden, Eli Easton, B.G. Thomas, and me. Mine is set mostly in Croatia. 🙂
  • Dreamspinner will release my Hanukkah short, “Grateful”
  • Venetian Masks will come out in Italian
  • I’ll publish an anthology that will include two brand-new fantasy shorts, and all proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders

I’ll also be at Gay Romance Northwest in Seattle and GayRomLit in San Diego, and I hope to see some of you there.

Want more photos or is this Enough?


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