
Today’s blog subject is productivity–mainly because I’ve had very little of it for the past few days! I’ve always been a fast writer. I wrote my first textbook in one semester, a pace that was assisted by my knowledge that I was due to have my second child at the end of that semester. There’s …

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Today I’m going to share with you one of my deep, dark secrets: I really love doing background research for my fiction. Once an academic geek, always an academic geek, I guess. And fiction gives me the excuse to research all sorts of topics that have nothing whatsoever to do with my academic specialty but …

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So I’m back from New York City and working away. Last night I finished the first draft of my newest novel, tentatively titled Brute. It’s another darkish fantasy, so if you enjoyed the Praesidium books I think you’ll like this one. Now it’s time for editing, which is a process I’ve grown to enjoy. I …

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Guest blog

Today I’m guest blogging at Guys Like Romance, Too: Come read about how Ennek and Miner came to be, and read an excerpt from Equipoise.

I’m in New York City for a few days on non-authorly business. I managed to write a couple thousand words on the newest novel during the plane ride. And here’s Equipoise over Times Square:


I just saw the pencil sketch for the cover of my upcoming novel, Good Bones, and it’s terrific. The artist managed to draw the protagonists exactly how I saw them in my head. Within the next two weeks or so I ought to get the final, painted version back, and then I can share it …

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My eyes are bigger than my stomach

The other day my wonderful, supportive husband gave me a lecture on over-extending myself. This may have had something to do with the fact that I currently have four books (two novels and two textbooks) in various stages of writing and editing. Or maybe it was because I had just announced to him that I …

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