Violet’s Present now available

My longish short story “Violet’s Present” is now available from Dreamspinner. Here’s the blurb: When Matt’s Great-great-aunt Violet dies, she leaves him a precious gift: a photo album he loved as a child. Then Matt starts having dreams—very good dreams—about Joseph, one of the men in the pictures from the 1940s. One morning when Matt …

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What I’m Up To

I have five projects in various states of readiness. My short story “Violet’s Present” will be available June 1 from Dreamspinner Press. It’s a longish short story, an angsty time travel piece with settings in 1940s Nebraska and Europe. My novella Speechless will be available from Dreamspinner in July. The blurb: Travis Miller has a …

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Book Review: The Psychopath Test

I’m eclectic in my interests and reading lists. So today I’m posting a review of Jon Ronson’s book The Psychopath Test: A Journey through the Madness Industry. It’s a nonfiction exploration of modern diagnoses of mental illness. Jon Ronson’s writing is witty and engaging–so much so that I gobbled this book in one afternoon. The flashbacks, …

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Good Bones on Sale

In celebration of Dreamspinner Press’s 5th anniversary, Good Bones is 20% off in print and ebook versions. Sale ends May 31.

Voices in My Head

When we were little, I told my brother that dreams were actually movies shown by little guys in your head. I also told him that if he locked himself in the bathroom while we had a babysitter, candy would fall from the sky. He was deeply scarred by all of this: when he grew up, …

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I wear many hats, one of which is college professor. This time of year–when my grades have just been turned in!–I like to share bloopers from student papers and exams. So here we go. These are verbatim. Whatever you do, don’t claim to be a witch!! If so, get ready to be burned alive at …

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Thank you to everyone who visited and/or commented during the Hop Against Homophobia! Our lucky winner–and birthday girl!–is crowzma. 🙂

Hop and Book Giveaway

Hi there! My name is Kim Fielding. I’m the author of several novels that feature gay characters. The links for the books are down on the lower right hand side of this page. My day job is professor. This semester, some of the students in one of my classes did a project that involved interviewing …

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Hop against Homophobia

I’ll be taking part in the Hop against Homophobia May 17-20. As part of the festivities, I’ll be giving away one ebook version of Good Bones. Check back here on the 17th for instructions on how to enter to win.


As some of you know, I donate all my royalties from the Praesidium trilogy to Doctors Without Borders. Because of the generosity of those who have bought my books in the last few months, I was able yesterday to donate $350 to this excellent cause. It’s a great organization, and I’m very happy that we …

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