Music please!

My older daughter is 13, a high school freshman. She and I share an iTunes account and therefore share playlists. Mostly we enjoy each other’s music–or at least tolerate it–although I admit to being unable to listen to Skrillex for more than 60 seconds at a time.

The other day she came home from school. “You know what?” she said. “My friend was looking at my playlist and when I told her a lot of the songs are yours, she said my mom is really cool.” The amazement in my daughter’s voice was evident. She had clearly never considered the possibility of her mother being cool.

I have a weird and eclectic taste in music, with a tendency towards old-school punk, blues, and world music. I’ve recently discovered a few bands I’m really enjoying: Gogol Bordello (whose lead singer sounds like a Russian Joe Strummer), Balkan Beat Box, The Zydepunks, Brute Chorus. And I’ve been listening to Chris Issak’s recent wonderful covers of Sun Records hits.

Do your tastes run in similar directions? Do you have a favorite band/singer you think everyone should know about? I’d love to hear about them. You know–I have to keep up my cool creds with the high school set. Please comment here!

6 thoughts on “Music please!”

  1. I don’t think you need help in that department.

    At all!

    In fact, I think that high school kids need to keep up their cool creds when around you!

    Personally I like all kinds of music from classical to rock to funk to punk to (no… I really don’t like mindless automated pop but I can’t remember names or titles or artists which is very, very frustrating.

    BUT Prince holds a special place in my heart. I have been to nearly 20 concerts and I have all of his music including records that were never released which I found in New York more than 20 years ago. He is a funky, sexy little mf and a musical genius and that’s that. And I disregard the fact that he is also apparently a religious lunatic… Sorry but I don’t fancy religion.

    • Thank you. 🙂

      I’m not a huge Prince fan, probably due to one summer’s overexposure to Raspberry Beret. My SIL loves him though, and has been to a concert or two.

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