What’s Kim Reading Now: How to Howl at the Moon by Eli Easton

Okay, full disclosure–Eli Easton is a friend. In fact, we were roomies at a recent workshop and she’s sitting in the room with me this very minute. But I’m also a huge fan of her work and I wouldn’t rec it if I didn’t love it.

How to Howl at the Moon is a shifter book in which one MC shifts into a border collie. The other MC is oblivious to this important fact.

I read about half of this book while squished on a transcontinental flight and the other half sitting poolside, cool drink at hand. It fit the bill perfectly for both settings: it was engaging, fun, and sweet. I loved the characters and the plot was just right–just the right amount of tension. The take on shifters is fresh. And Eli Easton wrote it, which means it’s well-written too. And funny! I’ll be looking forward to more in the series.


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