Interview Roulette: C.C. Dado

Please join CC Dado at the wheel!


  1. Which of your characters would you most like to be romantically involved with?

Out of all of my characters Levi from ‘Say it with ink’ is the one I am most drawn to as a character. Hot guys with tattoos and emotional love secrets…. Mmm…


  1. If you had to live in a movie, TV show, or book, which would you choose and why?

Dazed and Confused. Nights like those are an amazing, and scary rite of passage.

  1. What advice would you give your 17-year-old self?
  • When someone suggests you get tattoos together just hang up the phone… like seriously, for the love of god, hang up the phone.
  • Life choices made drunk in a bar aren’t always bad… just go with it.
  • Apply for scholarships or find a semi legal, well-paying side job, cause I’m literally still paying for our education and it sucks.


  1. The letter E has been made illegal. Write a description of your latest book without running afoul of the law.

L#vi can r#m#mb#r th# #xact mom#nt th# proj#ction of his lif# chang#d #ntir#ly, from hom#l#ss dropout to coll#g# graduat#. It was th# day h# found Jami# Donovan standing on his front porch—th# boy L#vi had s#cr#tly drool#d ov#r from afar would b#com# th# b#st fri#nd h# s#cr#tly drool#d ov#r up clos#.

Wh#n L#vi g#ts a full rid# scholarship but Jami# do#sn’t, Jami# b#com#s an #xotic danc#r to h#lp pay his tuition. Watching Jami# p#rform is pur# tortur# for L#vi, and hiding how h# r#ally f##ls starts to tak# its toll. And wh#n th# hot n#w guy from his #con class hits on him, L#vi has to d#cid# just how long h#’s going to stay d#vot#d to his straight b#st fri#nd.


  1. If you could instantly learn another language, which would you choose and why?

Swiss-Italian, it is the language spoken in the small village on the border of Sweden and Italy that my ancestors came from.


Book blurb:

Levi can remember the exact moment the projection of his life changed entirely, from homeless dropout to college graduate. It was the day he found Jamie Donovan standing on his front porch—the boy Levi had secretly drooled over from afar would become the best friend he secretly drooled over up close.

When Levi gets a full ride scholarship but Jamie doesn’t, Jamie becomes an exotic dancer to help pay his tuition. Watching Jamie perform is pure torture for Levi, and hiding how he really feels starts to take its toll. And when the hot new guy from his Econ class hits on him, Levi has to decide just how long he’s going to stay devoted to his straight best friend.

Book buy links:

Author bio:

I write about painfully awkward, usually embarrassing, romance because long confident gazes followed by sexy dancing never happens to me. I am a native of the Pacific Northwest, and will probably never leave. I’m like a hypochondriac sundae, with claustrophobic sprinkles, and a big cherry of anxiety on top, so I don’t travel much. I read to relax my mind, so I love getting lost in someone else’s story, even if it is only for a little while.

Author contacts:

  • Twitter: @C_C_Dado

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