Cover reveal! Once Upon a Time in the Weird West


Two authors walk into a bar….

Okay, yeah, but it actually happened. Last year I was in Portland, doing a reading at a bookstore, and the amazing Ginn Hale was doing a reading too. And it turned out by coincidence that our readings had some plot similarities, although we’d handled them in very different ways. So after the reading a group of us went to a nearby bar, and Ginn and I got to chatting about how fun it would be to give a group of authors the exact same prompt, and then see the varying directions they took it.

Well, we gathered together a fantastic bunch of our author friends, and Ginn came up with the prompt: Once upon a time in the weird west…. That’s it. The only limitations were length (short story) and that it be some kind of spec fic based on that prompt.

We all had a lot of fun with this. I know of at least two authors who had so much fun they ended up going way over the length limits–and had to write new, shorter tales.

Dreamspinner agreed to publish the collection, and Nathie Block created a gorgeous cover. And now you can preorder the anthology. Thirteen tales by some of your favorite spec fic authors, all with a weird west theme.

Stories by: Langley Hyde, Astrid Amara, Ginn Hale, Nicole Kimberling, C.S. Poe, Lex Chase, Venona Keyes, Tali Spencer, Shira Anthony, Kim Fielding, Jana Denardo, Andrew Q. Gordon, and Jamie Fessenden.

You can read blurbs for all the stories on the preorder page. Come join the fun!



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