How to Get Boned

Tsk tsk. Get your mind out of the gutter!

BoneDry_postcard_front_DSPAs it turns out, October is a very bony month. On October 10, the 3rd book in my Bones series, Bone Dry, releases. Not only can you preorder it now, but you can preorder the paperback at 35% off through September 21. And if you’re going to GRL, you can use the code GRL2014, and DSP will ship the book to GRL for you for free, and I can sign it for you there.


Bones_Cover6But also! On October 27, the second book in the Gothika series will release. It contains voodoo-themed novellas by me, Eli Easton, Jamie Fessenden, and B.G. Thomas. It’s called Bones.

So you see? A bony month.




To celebrate, I’ve had a few tote bags printed up with those terrific covers. I’ve filled the bags with a matching T-shirt plus lots of bones-themed swag and surprises. I’ll be giving a couple of these bags away during contests in October, as part of a big blog tour.


I’ll be bringing a couple of these bags to GRNW this weekend. They’ll go to the first people who request them.

And I’ll be bringing a few to GRL in October. The question is, how should I decide who gets them. A contest beforehand on my blog or FB or Twitter? First come, first served? Give ’em to the first people who bring me Bone Dry to sign? I can’t decide!!

Please help me by leaving a comment below, telling me how I should distribute the bags at GRL.

(I’ll have lots of other swag too, including unicorn rubber ducks, bone candy, and free stories.)


4 thoughts on “How to Get Boned”

  1. How about a ticket draw at GRL? Let people who are interested, get a ticket from you and come back at a certain time for the ticket draw. If they have their own business card, they can use that,too. When I was a realtor, that was used at company events as a way to both save tickets and make contacts though collecting their cards. That way it’s completely random and gives an equal chance to anyone who can attend.

  2. I think it depends on how many you have and how long you want to carry them around. The easiest would probaly be a contest ahead of time for the majority of them and then have a few to give out throughout the event. Maybe at the lounge times if you are included. I want one of those unicorn ducks… and that cover for Bones is fantastic. I wish that was going to be available at GRL because I would totally be buying the paperback to get signed.

  3. The ticket draw is a fantastic idea. Maybe give the tickets out at the signing. When you draw the ticket, you can announce it on FB, Twitter, etc and arrange for a meet up with the winners so they can collect.


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