I haven’t disappeared

Sorry I’ve been silent for a while. Sometimes my To Do list proves especially formidable. I’ve temporarily subdued it, so I thought I was due to give a bit of an update.

A week from today will be the cover reveal for one of my Christmas stories, Summerfield’s Angel. It’ll also be up for preorder that day, so keep an eye out for that. It will be available in ebook and print versions, plus an audio version. This book is one of seven novellas–by seven different authors–each set in a different time and place, but involving the same angel ornament. All the books release December 2. It’s been a really fun project, and I hope you enjoy!

I’ll have another Christmas release as well, a short story as part of Dreamspinner Press’s Advent Calendar. That means you can buy the entire package and get a book each day in December, or you can purchase my story individually on December 1. The title is “Exit Through the Gift Shop.”

In other news, two of my books released in French translations this month: Les lettres oubliées (The Tin Box) and Équilibre (Equipoise). Look for more French translations in the months to come, plus a new German translation.

Which brings me to my next point. In March 2019, I’ll be attending Salon du Livre de Paris and then Leipziger Buchmesse. I hope to see some of you there!

If you’re in the US and a writer–or aspire to be one–I’ll be leading a couple of workshops at the San Diego State Writers’ Conference. I’m looking forward to that!

I’m busily plugging away on several future projects. Redesigning Landry Bishop, a Dreamspun Desires title, will release in May 2019. It’s set in the same universe as The Spy’s Love Song but involves a new couple. I plan an eventual third book in that universe as well. I’m in the middle of writing the sequel to Love Can’t Conquer and Love Is Heartless. And Venona Keyes and I are working on the sequel to Running Blind. Next up after that will be a new story in the Bureau series.

Told you I was busy!

That’s enough for now. Have a good Halloween. And if you’re a US citizen who can vote, for goodness sake make sure you do!


2 thoughts on “I haven’t disappeared”

  1. Thoroughly enjoy your writing! Recently read Rattlesnake and cannot express how moved and warmed i was by these characters. In ALL selfishness and self-righteousness i ask: will there be a sequel? I know, i know, sometimes it’s best to let go… but I’m not quite ready! Jimmy and Shane seem to have more to share! Did Jimmy learn the fate of his brothers? Did they reconcile? Did Shane sell any of his photographs? How was their cottage fixed up? Did they travel? Ahhh… Here’s hoping for that sequel! But, if not, thank you for an absolutely wonderful, heartwarming love story! Best and God bless! Ericka P.S. US citizen… and I voted! 🙂 E

    • Thank you so much, Erica! I don’t have plans for a sequel now, but of course you never know. I’m so glad you fell in love with Jimmy and Shane, though. And I’m especially glad you voted!


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