As usual, the summer is slipping away much too fast. I’ve started seeing tomato trucks on the freeway, a sure local sign that it’s not much longer until school begins. Sigh.
I’ve managed to get some great travel in, though. I attended EuroPrideCon in Amsterdam last month, and it was great fun. On my way home I spent a few days in Iceland, a country I’ve been wanting to visit for a long time. And man, I’m sure glad I did! What a beautiful place! Stunning scenery unlike anyplace else I’ve been, plus super friendly locals, cool history, and a sun that basically never sets in early July. I really hope I get to spend more time there soon.
One thing I did in Iceland was an 8-hour Golden Circle tour to take in some sights near Reykjavik. Waterfalls, geysers, horses, a continental rift…. Wonderful. My guide, Bjorn, was also wonderful, and he’s given me permission to make him a character in a book. I think he’ll make a great character, don’t you?

Back home, I’ve been working on three projects at once, which is unusual for me; generally I write one story at a time. But two of these are co-written, so it makes sense to rotate. I’m also going through edits on two holiday stories and will soon begin edits on Love Has No Direction, book 3 in the Love Can’t series. It should release early next year.
And later this week I’m off to Los Angeles for a couple of days with my younger daughter. We’re taking Amtrak, which means I get to visit beautiful Union Station again, and we’re staying at the historic Biltmore Hotel. Follow men Instagram and Facebook if you want to see photos.
My novella Chained is a finalist for the PRISM award, which is very exciting. The award winner will be announced this week during the Romance Writers of America meeting in New York. If you’re a fan of the Bureau series, you’ll be happy to know one of my current projects is Book 5 in the series.
So. What news do you have to share?