New release–royalties go to charity

I’ve solved some of your holiday shopping needs.

The Sacrifice and Other Stories is now available. You can buy it in Kindle format or, if you love the feel of real books or want to have something to wrap and put under the tree, you can buy the print version. I’ll put buy links at the end of this post.


The print book makes an excellent gift because, as you can see, it has Catherine Dair’s gorgeous cover, plus it’s a hefty volume: 400 pages!

What you or your lucky giftee get is 4 short stories and 3 novellas, all fantasy m/m romance. Two of the stories are brand-new and exclusive to this anthology.

Here’s the extra good part: I’m donating 100% of my royalties to Doctors Without Borders.

So you should buy copies for all your m/m romance-loving friends and family members, right? Or maybe this is the perfect chance to introduce a newbie to m/m romance.

If you or your bestie prefer audiobooks instead, then how about The Festivus Miracle?

festivus cover

Joel Leslie did a great job narrating this holiday short, and again, all my royalties go to Doctors Without Borders.

To tempt you, here’s a little tease. It’s a brief excerpt from the title story, The Sacrifice.

The water was still hot, and Ohron hissed a little as he lowered himself in. Once he was submerged to the shoulders, though, he tilted his head back against the smooth tile edge and groaned. “This is good. I’ve never even seen a tub this big.” Five men could have fit comfortably with him. He watched as Rylo joined him. “I suppose this is nothing special to you.” The gleam in his eyes suggested that he was referring to more than the bath.

“It’s not an everyday thing for me either. We clean ourselves with cold buckets of water and hard soap. We’re only allowed in the bath when we’re….” He looked away.

“When you’re bathing with a dead man,” Ohron said, completing Rylo’s sentence.

“You still look alive to me.”

“For a few hours more.”

Before Rylo could answer, Ohron closed his eyes and ducked completely underwater. He emerged a moment later and shook his head, scattering droplets.

“Be careful,” Rylo warned. “The oils in the water will sting your eyes.”

“Why would you care? Will you get punished if I’m damaged goods?”

“Possibly.” It was only a partial truth. If Rylo were being totally honest, he would have admitted that he didn’t want Ohron to suffer needlessly. He liked Ohron. Most of the sacrifices were hard men; and while some of them shed their cruelty in the desperation of their final hours, few of them spoke much. Ohron was a hard man too, but he was treating Rylo like a real person instead of simply an object intended for his comfort.


My last donation of my self-published royalties was a substantial and satisfying amount: $3000. I’d love to top that this time. So please check out the buy links below and stock up on gifts. And spread the word! Thank you!

The Sacrifice and Other Stories:


Print version, from Amazon

Print version, from Barnes & Noble

The Festivus Miracle:

Kindle and audio versions, from Amazon

Audio version, from Audible



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