Off again

As you’re reading this, I’m arriving in one of my favorite cities, Zagreb. (Which has featured in a few of my stories, of course.) I’ll be staying in a wonderful apartment right on the main square (I once spent a month in that apartment). Ten zillion cafes and one of Europe’s best greenmarkets, all right outside my door. While I’m there I’ll be doing some research and guest lectures. Day job stuff.

And then I get to take the train to Paris. I’m excited about the journey itself because I love train travel. In Paris I’ll be signing books at Salon Livre. I hope to see some of you there!

Because there’s no rest for the wicked, I’ll also be working on the finishing the 3rd book in the Bureau series and doing final edits onĀ Blyd and Pearce, which is due out this summer. I enjoy writing while I travel. Later when I read the stories, I remember where I was as I wrote each bit.

I’ll post photos, I promise! So make sure you keep up with me on social media.

And check it out–I now have two novels available for preorder! The Little Library releases March 26 and A Full Plate on April 17.


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