Please welcome Hope Ryan!


Hello there! Thank you so much to Kim Fielding for giving me some space on her blog today! I really appreciate it. A little while back, I did a post for Nikki Prince on some of the music on my playlist for The Geek and His Artist. Every story I write has some kind of soundtrack—back when I wrote fanfiction, even that had something. Geek is no exception.

Jimmy is a big fan of My Chemical Romance. At one point, he has “the talk” with his mom about his sexuality—and sex—and she suggests he blast some MCR to help clear his head on his way to his first date with Simon. One of Jimmy’s (and my) favorite MCR songs is “Teenagers,” which is a lot of fun.

Watch it here:


Lyrics here.

Another song I’d like to share comes from Tokio Hotel. As Jimmy is waiting to pick Simon up for dinner, the song comes on the radio. The basic premise of the song is about getting through some tough stuff to bet somewhere new. Jimmy likes the parallel and, more or less makes it unofficially “their song.”

Watch it here:


Lyrics here.

You can listen to/watch the whole playlist on Youtube here:

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for chances to win a paperback copy of Geek and $25 to spend at Harmony Ink! Each comment below also qualifies you for an entry to the giveaway. One reader today will win a Geek character trading card of your choice!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

GeekandHisArtist[The]FSSimon Williams spends his lunch periods drawing his geek and trying not to think about the terrors waiting for him at home. He needs to get away from his abusive father before he suffers the same grisly fate as his mother. Because he’s learned the hard way running away doesn’t work, he’s counting the days until his eighteenth birthday.

Jimmy Bennet should be spending his lunch studying so his senior GPA is good enough to get him into college, but he can’t seem to focus thanks to his distracting artist. When he’s given the opportunity to tutor Simon in Trig and discovers Simon’s home-life nightmare, he wants nothing more than to get Simon out of danger. This need becomes more urgent when Simon comes to school the Monday after their first date with bruises, but it takes a broken leg before Jimmy can convince his boyfriend the Bennets really want him.

But the danger Simon thought was past shows up at the most unexpected time, and he must stand up to the fears he’s held so long to protect not only himself, but the man he wants to spend his life with.

You can get Geek here:

Harmony Ink Press ◊ Dreamspinner Press ◊ Amazon ◊ AllRomanceebooks ◊ Kobo ◊ Barnes & Noble


hope (1)About Hope:

Hope Ryan is an out and proud bisexual, wife of a loving guy and mother to three, including an amazingly brave gender fluid son. She loves to write about the tough stuff, but also wants to see her characters happy in the end. She feels strongly about showing there is hope for everyone, no matter where you come from, how you identify your gender or who you love.

Hope likes to play board and card games and can often be found playing God with her Sims or running around, fighting monsters in a virtual version of Middle Earth. Her TV and movie preferences lean towards anime, sci fi and fantasy, though she’ll never turn down a good happily ever after love story, either. As long as there are explosions or action, she’s happy. She loves to read books of all kinds, though prefers stories about love in its many forms.

Find Hope at her website (, email her (, or on Facebook (



6 thoughts on “Please welcome Hope Ryan!”

  1. Thanks for the music links. I like My Chemical Romance. My daughter introduced them to me while she was in high school. Tokio Hotel I have seen around and they were at one of the award shows 5-6 years ago. I really enjoyed the book. Hoping for a sequel? 😀

  2. Some of those tracks and artists were quite new to me and very emotive. I wonder how the author selects the music or if she listens to many tracks and suddenly they inspire a story, character or scene?


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