Please welcome Suki Fleet!


My writing process… …is very disorganized–made up of scraps of paper, receipts that were at hand, notes on my phone and scribble down words. Titles often come to me long before stories do—though I suspect my subconscious is working away scribbling down on its own scraps of whatever happens to be lying around in my brain, because it always amazes me how everything comes together (when that happens it’s one of the best things about writing for me). Skeleton is the most complete story that I’ve been inspired to write. And by that I mean I didn’t really struggle with the plot or the characters. I didn’t stop in the middle thinking where do I go from here! like I normally do. I just wrote. Jan’s character was clear to me from the start—tall, Dutch, imposing, but sweet and caring beneath. He was inspired by the Dutch people we’ve met at the campsite we stay at on in the South of France Before I started writing it, I remember thinking I wanted to write a really self-contained short story that left a reader with feeling of completeness. And I hope I’ve accomplished that. I’ve packed a lot of story in there. A little mystery, a little sweetness, a little twist. It was a fun story to write. I finished this story in a month (including edits) and that is fast for me. I think I usually average 15-20K a month now, but that is something I’ve had to build up to.

Skeleton Blurb and Author Bio Blurb

Jan has given up on love, at least the romantic kind. He loves his five-year-old son Henry more than anything.  But when Henry starts school, Jan is introduced to Matthew, a very sweet but shy young man who helps out in Henry’s class. Although he tries desperately to ignore his attraction, Jan finds himself falling for Matthew—he’s everything Jan needs.  But amid creepy silent phone calls and possible break-ins, things start to fall slowly apart for Jan. Matthew wants to trust Jan, but the skeleton Jan has been trying to keep buried in his closet and the guilt he feels threatens to destroy everything good in his life.  

Author Bio

Suki Fleet currently lives in the heart of England. Her childhood was quite unconventional and she spent some time living on a boat and travelling at sea with her family. Since she was very small she has always dreamed of writing for a living, but though she has written original fiction online for years and encouraged many new writers to keep going and follow their author dreams, it is only recently she got the courage to make her own dream a reality and actually send something off to a publisher.   By day she runs her own business selling fabric (her second love) and juggling family commitments, by night she weaves the stories that the characters in her head dictate. These stories often start with pain or longing but always end with love.

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