School daze

My older kid spent most of the summer away from home: a month on her aunt and uncle’s farm (which bears a suspicious resemblance to Dylan and Chris’s place), a week in Seattle, a camping trip in Northern California with friends, a week and a half at the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival with her aunt. I picked her up at the airport Wednesday afternoon. My 4th airport trip this summer–200 miles RT each time. Such fun.


What I like about this airport photo is the girls’ similar shirts. Kid1 bought hers in Chicago and Kid2 got hers here, while Kid1 was gone, so neither knew about the other.

Then yesterday, they went back to school. Kid1 is in 11th grade, while Kid2 is in 7th and therefore is brand new to the joys of junior high. Here they are on the first day:

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I had to threaten Kid1 to get her to smile. She has a tough schedule this year, including 3 AP classes. She’ll do fine. Also, I’d like to point out that Kid2 has a better sense of style than the rest of us combined. Those are Darth Vader stockings she’s wearing.

My semester begins at the end of next week, so I have a brief quiet time to get things done. Well, sort of. Thanks to the school schedules, Kid1’s tennis team aspirations, and the fact that we live 2 miles from their schools but there’s no bus, I got to make 4 round trips to their schools yesterday. My husband made one too. I’m ready to stick a taxi sign on my car.

Also, I filled out and signed approximately a bazillion forms for the kids before school began. Nevertheless, they came home yesterday with yet more papers.


So yeah, I didn’t need to do any actual work anyway, right?

Kid2’s homework yesterday was to write a poem about the first day of school. Here it is. Handwriting and spelling are not her strengths.


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