Sin Palabras

So as it turns out, Pilgrimage is just the beginning of your 2014 Kim Fielding Fest. Here’s what I can promise you so far:

Sin Palabras, the Spanish translation of Speechless, will release March 18. It’s available now for preorder! Here’s the blurb:

Travis Miller tiene un empleo como operario de mecanizado, un gato llamado Elwood, y una patética vida amorosa. Lo único positivo en su existencia es el atractivo guitarrista que se encuentra a veces, al regresar a casa del trabajo. Pero cuando finalmente reúne valor para hablar con el hombre, descubre que Drew Clifford, antiguo novelista, sufre afasia: Drew puede entender todo lo que dice Travis, pero es incapaz de hablar o escribir.

Estos dos hombres solitarios forman una amistad que pronto se convertirá en amor. Pero la comunicación es sólo uno de sus retos; también están la inexperiencia de Travis con el amor y su precaria situación financiera. Si las palabras son lo que une a las personas, ¿qué va a mantenerlos unidos a ellos?

Stitch will be available in April. It’s an anthology with four Frankenstein/created man themed novellas. The other authors are Sue Brown, Eli Easton, and Jamie Fessenden, and my story is called “The Golem of Mala Lubovnya.”

Motel. Pool. will release in a May. It’s a paranormal novel. Here’s the blurb for that one:

In the mid-1950s, Jack Dayton flees his working-class prospects in Omaha and heads to Hollywood, convinced he’ll be the next James Dean. But sleazy casting couches don’t earn him stardom, and despair leads to a series of poor decisions that ultimately find him at a cheap motel off Route 66, lifeless at the bottom of the pool.
Sixty years later, Tag Manning, feeling hopeless and empty, flees his most recent relationship mistake and takes to the open road. On a roundabout route to Las Vegas, he pulls over to rest at an isolated spot on Route 66. There’s no longer a motel or pool, but when Tag resumes his journey to Vegas, he finds he’s transporting a hitchhiking ghost. Jack and Tag come to find much-needed friends in each other, but one man is a phantom and the other is strangely cursed. Time is running out for each of them, and they must face the fact that a future together may not only be a gamble… it may not be in the cards.

And in June, my short story “The Border” will release. It will be part of Dreamspinner Press’s Mended package, which means you can buy the whole package and get a story every day in June, or you can buy stories individually. All will have a hurt/comfort theme (yay!).

I currently have a novella under submission and I’ll be submitting the third Bones book soon. So you should have plenty to keep you busy for a little while!