What’s Kim Reading Now?: Trying to Grow

One of my latest reads is something a bit off the beaten track: Trying to Grow by Firdaus Kanga. It’s set in Bombay several decades ago and is the semiautobiographical story of a boy with osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease), who is also gay. It’s not a romance, although the protagonist does fall in love. …

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What’s Kim Reading Now: The Night Inspector

One of my latest reads wasn’t m/m and wasn’t romance–although there was a brief, unexpected scene with two men, and although a romantic relationship helps drive the story. The Night Inspector by Frederick Busch is set in New York City right after the Civil War. The protagonist, WIlliam Bartholomew, was a Union sharpshooter who had …

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What’s Kim Reading Now: Psycop #1-4

Nowadays most of my reading is confined to audiobooks. That way I can multitask: listening to a good book while doing my daily 5K walk. And I’m not complaining, because there are some terrific audiobooks out there! Recently I listened to the first 4 books in Jordan Castillo Price’s Psycops series. These books are fantastic–funny, suspenseful, …

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What’s Kim Reading Now?: Claw

Okay, I’m cheating. Sort of. Usually I highlight other people’s books in this feature. But I have a new release today. And it still sort of counts because the new release is Claw, book three in the Gothika series, and it also contains novellas by Eli Easton and Jamie Fessenden. Can I pause a moment …

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What’s Kim Reading Now?: Belonging ‘Verse books

I have a two-fer for you this week–two books set in the same universe but written by different authors. They are Anchored by Rachel Haimowitz and Counterpunch by Aleksandr Voinov. The world-building is terrific. The books are set in a world pretty much identical to ours–except that slavery wasn’t abolished in the US in the …

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