At some point the other day it finally occurred to me that I have two new releases on February 11. As I’ve mentioned already, my new novel Venetian Masks comes out that day. Here’s the link for preorders: . In addition, Dreamspinner will be releasing the anthology Snow on the Roof, which contains my short story “No Place Like Home.” Here’s that link:
And as I promised, I’ll have a contest running February 11-25. It’s a sort of bookish scavenger hunt.
Here are my daughters’ culinry adventures this weekend. The older one developed a taste for haggis during a visit to Edinburgh. We found her canned haggis here in the states. Here she is yesterday, with her late-night haggis-on-tomatoes-and-toast.
Tomorrow I’m running away from home. I’m escaping the family and fleeing to San Francisco for a couple of days. I have a lot of work to do for the day job, and doing it there involves fewer interruptions and less self-pity, since I can reward myself with fun breaks. I’m hoping to also make some headway on my current novel-in-progress.