Weekend wanderings

Spending the weekend with the family in Rattlesnake Angels Camp. I love the Sierra foothills this time of year. Beautiful, and the weather can be glorious. We were going to do a little hike on Sunday at Calaveras Big Trees State Park, but it looks like rain and snow are on the way. We’ll probably have to rethink that plan. Today an outing to Sutter Creek is on the agenda. I’ll post photos.

Next week I’ll have a cover reveal for Sacrifice and Other Stories on Tuesday. Preorders will be available then too. This is a big (almost 140K–over 400 pages) anthology of fantasy stories, two of which are brand new. It’ll be available in Kindle and print editions. All my royalties go to Doctors Without Borders, so you can indulge yourself or buy a gift for a friend, all for a good cause.

Good Bones will release on audio any day now, with narration by the talented Nick J. Russo. Remember that you can also buy the audio of The Festivus Miracle right now–and I’m donating my royalties for that one too. Joel Leslie did a fantastic job. And K.C. Kelly’s narration of Rattlesnake should come out in December. I can’t wait!

I’m about halfway through writing my 14th novel right now. The working title is Love Can’t Conquer. It’s a fairly angsty contemporary set in Portland and starring an urban park ranger and an ex-junkie. The story was inspired by my noisy neighbor, who was blasting “Ode to Billie Joe” in his back yard a few months ago. Thank you, noisy neighbor.

In light of recent events, can I ask you to do me a favor? Do an extra kindness for someone today. A stranger, maybe. I’d love it if every bit of negative energy in the world could be completely overwhelmed by positive energy.

1 thought on “Weekend wanderings”

  1. “Do an extra kindness for someone today. A stranger, maybe. I’d love it if every bit of negative energy in the world could be completely overwhelmed by positive energy.”

    Well said. And I so agree.


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